A Soldier for Paul Ryan's Army
Mannequin, Hand Painted Sign, Pyrite (fools gold), Mixed, 120" x 96" x 18", 2017.
The mannequin has several meanings in this work. It signifies the male idea in a capitalist world, a strapping white man. In reference to Paul Ryan, he has the ability to remain insincere with a smile and results in coming across as plastic and synthetic. The business suit references both business and political culture. The similar garb that they tend to wear points to a common interest of profiteering above all else. Both of these sectors of society bend ethical standards to meet the profit goals and to preserve the white patriarchy at the neglect of everyone else. The sign points to protest and advertising simultaneously. “We shall overlook” is a twist on “We shall overcome”, the iconic protest sign of the civil rights movement. While Trump has been in office many Republican politicians have overlooked his ineptitude, lies, lack of morality, chauvinism and criminality. They are so eager to line their pockets and erode civil liberties that they are willing to be complacent to this president. This is a massive example of ideology over country, opportunism over decency. The other side is a play on a sign advertising a business under new management which is common when businesses change hands. The signifiers of the business being closed, is in response to the increasingly apparent bigotry, sexism and xenophobia that is pervasive in the Republican Party.
The mannequin has several meanings in this work. It signifies the male idea in a capitalist world, a strapping white man. In reference to Paul Ryan, he has the ability to remain insincere with a smile and results in coming across as plastic and synthetic. The business suit references both business and political culture. The similar garb that they tend to wear points to a common interest of profiteering above all else. Both of these sectors of society bend ethical standards to meet the profit goals and to preserve the white patriarchy at the neglect of everyone else. The sign points to protest and advertising simultaneously. “We shall overlook” is a twist on “We shall overcome”, the iconic protest sign of the civil rights movement. While Trump has been in office many Republican politicians have overlooked his ineptitude, lies, lack of morality, chauvinism and criminality. They are so eager to line their pockets and erode civil liberties that they are willing to be complacent to this president. This is a massive example of ideology over country, opportunism over decency. The other side is a play on a sign advertising a business under new management which is common when businesses change hands. The signifiers of the business being closed, is in response to the increasingly apparent bigotry, sexism and xenophobia that is pervasive in the Republican Party.